valance Interior Decorating
Value Art Perspective
Artists' term for scaling of a composition's lightness with degrees of gray between endpoints of black and white. Colors can also be assessed in the same way for value. Darker relates to "lower" in values. In science, value is "lightness".
Value Pattern Drawing
A value pattern is key to creating a pleasing visual path for the eye to follow as it views a composition. The value pattern is the careful choice of arrangement of all the values of a piece of artwork by an artist in order to guide the eye and unify all the objects/figures in the piece.
Value Relativity Drawing
Value relativity refers to the juxtaposition of difference values next to each other; this process of placing values beside each other creates what is known as “value contrast.”
Value Scale Drawing
Value scale refers to the gradual movement from black to gray to white. A value that is on the upper portion of the value scale is known as being “high key.” And a value that is located on the lower portion of the value scale is known as “low key.”
Vanishing Point Art Perspective
A point that receding parallel lines appear to converge to. It is used in linear perspective in relation to a stationary point (the placement of the observer). Objects seem to disappear at the vanishing point.
Vantage point Art Perspective
A vantage point is used in linear perspective as a stationary point from which a viewer is related to the object/figure being rendered. It can be thought of as the point of reference from which all things in the artwork can be related to. The vantage point may be very high or very low. High = bird's-eye-view. Low = worm's eye view. It is important to determine the correct station point when starting a piece of work, because the vantage point has a key role in determining how the viewer understands one’s composition and relates to the subject matter. It may also be referred to as "station point".
vapor barrier Carpentry
Vari Speed Film
A motor control that runs a camera or editing device at slower or faster speeds than the sound speed.
Varnish Art Materials and General Art Terms
A transparent-like liquid that changes into a solid film once it dries.
Varnishing day Art Materials and General Art Terms
An invite-only private viewing of an art exhibition held by an individual or group, or an institution such as a museum. The time is generally the day or evening before the public opening. Now usually thought of as "opening day", the term comes from the time when artists would varnish and touch-up paintings once they were hung for the exhibit - prior to the public coming for the display.
Vastus Lateralis Artist Anatomy
Part of the hip and thigh section of the body, the vastus lateralis includes the front surface on the upper end of the femur. The belly twists around the lateral side of the femur and connects to a long line on the back. The function of the vastus lateralis is to straighten the leg at the knee.
Vastus Medialis Artist Anatomy
Part of the hip and thigh section of the body, the vastus medialis includes the area of the front surface on the upper end of the femur. The belly twists around the medial side of the femur and connects to a long line on the back. The function of the vastus medialis is to straighten the leg at the knee.
Vault Box Film
A square cardboard box made to contain either 1,000 foot rolls of 16mm, or 1,000 feet of 35mm.
Vector Graphic Graphic Design
A vector graphic is created in paths. The paths permit a person to change an image’s size easily without pixilated edges. This type of format is primarily used in printing (as opposed to the bitmap format which is used for displays that are onscreen).
Veduta Art Materials and General Art Terms
An Italian term that means “view.” It is a close representation of an urban landscape.
Vellum Calligraphy
Vellum is a type of writing material made from a calf’s skin. It is characterized by a very smooth velvety texture.
veneer plaster Carpentry
veneered wall Carpentry
Venice Turpentine Art Materials and General Art Terms
A combination of an oil and a resin created from the larch. It usually functions as a means to make diluents and mediums for oil paintings.
vent Carpentry
ventilation Carpentry
Ventral Artist Anatomy
The term ventral is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body. The term ventral is the same thing as anterior.
Verdaccio Art Materials and General Art Terms
An old Italian term referring to green underpainting.
vermiculite Gardening
vermiculite Carpentry
Versal Calligraphy
Versal is a big embellished letter that signifies the opening of a line, verse or paragraph in a manuscript.
Verso Graphic Design
Verso is the page that is displayed on a spread’s left side; it is a non-even numbered page.
vertical position Welding
vertical scrollbar Computer
A vertical scrollbar is a bar that can be manipulated to go up or down to reveal content not otherwise seen on a webpage. The width of a vertical scrollbar is not affected by CSS and is defined by the user agent.
violet Color
Viscose Textiles
A kind of rayon that features a smooth fabric created from cellulose; viscose resembles silk.
visual movement / flow Art Materials and General Art Terms
Visual movement is employed by artists to guide their viewers’ eyes along a specific path throughout their piece of artwork. It is an important part of many piecse of artwork because it ensures viewers see the artwork in the intended order of events - which in turn may influence the overall impact and understanding of the piece. Moreover, visual movement can significantly influence whether a viewer lingers over a piece or quickly glances at it and then dismiss it. Visual movement can be achieved by utilizing elements such as color, shapes, lines, edges and changing the size of objects. For example, since people’s eyes usually follow a line from start to finish, by incorporating definite or implied lines in an artwork, an artist can effectively direct the visual movement of the piece. In graphic design, visual movement is frequently referred to as flow.
Visual Novel Anime / Manga
A visual novel is a partially interactive Japanese computer game that relates a storyline by means of still visuals and words positioned at the lower half of the screen. Visual novels do not give many choices like dating sims. Occasionally a visual novel may be adapted into anime.
visual rhythm Art Materials and General Art Terms
Visual rhythm is a principle in art in that involves the rhythm of visual perception. It occurs when positive shapes are repeatedly positioned in a composition while being separated by negative space. There are several different kinds of visual rhythm, including random rhythm, flowing rhythm, regular rhythm, alternating rhythm, progressive rhythm and flowing rhythm.
visual thinking / picture thinking / right brained learning Art Materials and General Art Terms
Visual thinking refers to the method of thinking through the use of visual processing or understanding. It is a method employed by numerous companies and individuals to easily communicate concepts and ideas in a short amount of time using visual stimuli. Visual thinking allows people to organize thoughts in a non-linear and non-verbal way. One of the main benefits of visual thinking is that people can communicate often complex relationships and abstract thoughts that might otherwise take a long time to effectively share. Diagrams, maps, geometric shapes combined with lines and arrows, illustrations, photographs, doodles and sketches are all examples of ways in which people can use visual thinking to communicate their ideas.
Visual Weight Drawing
Visual weight is the ability of a region or art element within a composition to draw attention to itself. Visual weight is often created through the use of contrast and/or through the use of color.
voile Interior Decorating
Volatile Art Materials and General Art Terms
A state of being of a substance is said to be “volatile” if it quickly evaporates.