Ultra-Sonic Cleaner Film
A cleaning device used at labs that clean negatives before they are transferred to video or before printing. Sound waves are used by the device to get ride of loose dust.
Ultra-Sonic Splicer Film
A high-end, rather expensive splicing device that is used to splice polyester base stock.
ultrasonic testing Welding
umbel Gardening
Uncial Calligraphy
Uncial is a form of book hand. The early Christians and Romans used it; uncial was characterized by the squashed heavy form of the letter O.
Under Crank Film
A term that refers to running the camera at slow speeds, which in term creates fast motion. The term originated from the time one needed to manually crank the camera.
Undercoat Painting
The first layer of paint spread over the primer; it creates the correct color base for the following coat finishes.
undercutting Cosmetology
Underexposure Film
Allowing less light than is needed by the emulsion of the film for correct exposure is called underexposure. The scene will be too dark and if one tries to fix underexposure in printing, the result will be a rather grainy image.
Underlay Carpets/Rugs
An underlay is positioned beneath a carpet and aids to shield the carpet from daily wear-and-tear.
underpainting Painting
Underpainting is the starting layer of paint a painter uses to cover a ground/base layer. The underpainting acts as a base layer for all the future layers of paint. Often artists will execute the underpainting in a monochromatic color scheme. This assists the artist in differentiating the tonal values for future paint layers. Grisaille and verdaccio are both examples of kinds of underpainting a person can do. The term originated from the idea that the underpainting is completed with the intent of painting it yet again (overpainting). An artist follows a method of working in layers with the paint to finish the piece. While it is true to many underpaintings are monochromatic, they do not have to be. Underpaintings can be done in multiple colors, and artists such as Jan van Eyck and Giotto both used multi-color underpainting in their work. Multi-color underpainting can be covered with future layers of paint color and be mixed optically by the human eye, thus preventing the artist from having to mix the color pigments physically and risk making the colors muddy.
unicom system Carpentry
unit-row construction method Quilting
unprotected-metal construction Carpentry
Upholstery Fabric Textiles
Durable fabric created to be resistant to stains and able to withstand heat.
Upright Moviola / Upright Film
A device containing arms that pick up and supply reels. The film shifts up and around to a screen on the front. Motors are controlled by the foot petals for sound speed and multiple speed viewing.