Jabot Fashion


A lace or cloth ornament hung over the chest.  Although the jabot was originally intended for men, it became a fashionable accessory for women during the middle of the 19th century.

jack rafter Carpentry

A valley or hip rafter and ridge board. Also, a rafter framing in the middle of the wall plate and a hip rafter.

Jacques Adnet Furniture


Adnet was a French furniture designer from the 1930’s - 1950’s.  Art Deco was his expertise during the 1930’s, which was, for the most part, out of style during that time.  After the war he became known for his leather-covered furniture which was popular in the 1940’s and 1950’s. 

jalousie Carpentry

A number of glass slats that overlap. They are joined by a metal frame connected to a window frame side jambs or door stiles and rails.

jamb Carpentry

The sides and top of a window or door frame that touch the sash or door.

Japonsche rock Fashion


A Dutch term for the Japanese kimono with cotton padding.  The garment was worn indoors by European men during the 17th and 18th centuries.  The kimonos were imported by the East India Company.  However, since there was a shortage of the number of imported Japanese kimonos, gowns created with indienne were made to meet the need.  In Holland, both these gowns were called “Japonsche rocken.”

jig Carpentry

A tool that arranges material for correct assembly or cutting. Factories use jigs to create prefabricated components for buildings.

joinery Carpentry

Relating to the many kinds of joints functioning within a structure.

joint Welding

The bringing together of two or more metal sections by brazing, soldering or welding.

joist Carpentry

One of the many parallel framing members that hold the weight of floors and ceiling loads. It is itself upheld by items such as girders or bigger beams.

Josei Anime / Manga


Josei is a category of manga and anime created for woman over eighteen; the stories are filled with adult women and focus on daily experiences and romance that is more practical and less idealistic.  The term may sometimes relate to a sexual preference for older women in manga and anime. 

Jouv print, toile de jouy Fashion


Fabrics printed by Christophe P. Oberkampf.  He founded a factory in Jouy, France.  Jouy gradually grew into a big center for the printing industry in France once the ban on importing or producing indienne was taken away in 1759. 

JPEG Graphic Design


JPEG stands for joint photographic electronic group.  It is a compression method that compresses a file’s size by removing non-essential picture information.  If used too much, an image’s apperance will not display well.

Jumbo Chord Textiles


Ribs of corduroy that contain a cut-pile weave; it is created from cotton. 

Jump Cut Film


Two shots sharing similarities that are cut together with a jump in time, camera position or continuity. 

Jumps Fashion


A soft bodice for women to wear at home without the stiffening bones of a corset during the 18th century.

Jute Art Materials and General Art Terms


A soft natural matting that is created from the interior bark of corchorus plants from southern India.