Artist Anatomy

Abduct Artist Anatomy


To abduct as it relates to muscles means to draw away from the midline.  An abductor is a muscle that abducts.

Adduct Artist Anatomy


To adduct as it relates to muscles means to draw toward the midline.  An adductor is a muscle that adducts.

Anconeus Artist Anatomy


Paft of the forearm, the anconeus includes the lateral epicondyle of humerus.    It is located at the lecranon and upper portion of ulna.  The anconeus is responsible for straightening the arm at the elbow.

Anterior Artist Anatomy


The term anterior is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body.  Anterior refers to the body’s front-side. 

Biceps Artist Anatomy


Part of the upper arm, the biceps include two points on the deep anterior, superior part of the scapula. Each of the two points is for a particular head.  These points involve the glenoid fossa and the coracoid process.    The biceps are located at the anterior surface of the radius below the head.  They are responsible for bending the arm at the elbow and turning the forearm palm-up.

Biceps Femoris Artist Anatomy


Part of the hip and thigh section of the body, the biceps femoris includes    the long head that extends from the ischial tuberosity. The short head comes from a line on the back of the femur that is positioned underneath the long head.  It is located at head of the fibula.    The biceps femoris is responsible for pulling the thigh backwards and bending the leg at the knee.

Brachialis Artist Anatomy


Part of the upper arm, the brachialis includes the anterior surface of humerus.  It is located at the anterior surface on the head of the ulna.  The brachialis is responsible for bending the arm at the elbow.

Brachioradialis Artist Anatomy


Part of the forearm, the brachioradialis includes a short line on the lateral edge of the humerus.      It is located at the proximal end of the radius on its lateral side.    The brachioradialis is responsible for bending the forearm at elbow.

Condyle Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone convex form, a condyle is a knobby shape that is in front of the body’s joints.

Coracobrachialis Artist Anatomy


Part of the upper arm, the coracobrachialis includes the coracoid process of scapula.  It is located at the mid-point on the medial side of the humerus.  The Coracobrachilis is responsible for adducting the upper arm and bringing it forward.

Crest Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone convex form, a crest is an edge similar to the edge of a cliff.

Deep Artist Anatomy


The term deep is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body.  The term deep signifies moving toward the middle of a form that is solid (like the leg). 

Deltoid Artist Anatomy


The deltoid is positioned at the lateral third of clavicle and spine of scapulal; it includes the acromion process.  It is inserted almost halfway down on the lateral surface of the humerus, and allows the body to raise the arm at the shoulder.

Depressor Artist Anatomy


A depressor is the term used to describe a muscle that lowers something. 

Distal Artist Anatomy


The term proximal is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body.  The term distal relates to a section on a limb that is father from the trunk (in proximity).

Dorsal Artist Anatomy


The term dorsal is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body.  The term dorsal is the same thing as posterior.  In addition, dorsal may refer to the top of the foot or the back of the hand.

Eminence Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone convex form, an eminence is the lowest type of flat bump – the lowest type of convexity.

Epicondyle Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone convex form, an epicondyle is a bump located by a condyle.

Erector Artist Anatomy


An erector is the term used to describe a muscle that holds something upright or erect.

Extend Artist Anatomy


To extend as it relates to muscles means to straighten.  An extensor is a muscle that extends.

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Artist Anatomy


Part of the forearm, the extensor carpi radialis brevis includes the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.  It is located at the dorsal surface of base of the second metacarpal.    The extensor carpi radialis brevis is responsible for straightening and pulling back the wrist.

Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Artist Anatomy


Part of the forearm, the extensor carpi radialis longus    includes the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and ridge just above it.    It is located at the dorsal surface of base of the second metacarpal.   

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Artist Anatomy


Part of the forearm, the extensor carpi ulnaris includes the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and dorsal surface of the ulna.  It is located at the dorsal surface of fifth metacarpal.    The extensor carpi ulnaris is responsible for extending the wrist and bending it sideways towards the ulna.

Extensor Digitorum Artist Anatomy


Part of the forearm, the extensor digitorum includes the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.  It is located at the dorsal surface of the four fingers.      The extensor digitorum is responsible for straightening and pulling back the fingers.

External (anatomy) Artist Anatomy


The term external is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body.  The term external signifies moving toward the exterior of a hollow form (like the trunk). 

External Oblique Artist Anatomy


Part of the torso, the external oblique is on the body’s ribs where they join up with the cartilages.  The lateral edge of the rectus abdominis is attached to the medial edge through the use of a tendon that covers the latter muscle.  The external oblique allows the ribcage to rotate from side to side.  The left external oblique pushes the ribcage causing the left shoulder to move to the front; this works the same way for the right external oblique.  It is also responsible for bending the lower part of the spine side to side. 

Facet Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone concave form, facet is a small depression that takes in the convexity of a secondary bone at a joint.

Flex Artist Anatomy


To flex as it relates to muscles means to bend.  A flexor is a muscle that flexes.

Foramen Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone concave form, a foramen is a hole.

Fossa Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone concave form, a fossa is a hollow that is not as shallow as a facet.

Gastrocnemius Artist Anatomy


Part of the lower leg, the gastrocnemius includes the medial head that joins to the femur just above the medial condyle ( the lateral head operates the same way above the lateral condyle).  It is located at the achilles tendon to the bone of the heel, the calcaneus.  The function of the gastrocnemius is to straighten the joint of the ankle to point the left or right foot, or lift a person that is standing onto the ball of his/her foot.

Gluteus Maximus Artist Anatomy


Part of the hip and thigh section of the body, the gluteus maximus includes the posterior, lateral surfaces of ilium,sacrum, and coccyx, as well as a number of ligaments on the pelvis.)  It is located at the upper, posterior surface of the femur, and the iliotibial band.  The function of the gluteus maximus is to straighten the thigh at the hip and bring it backwards.

Gluteus Medius Artist Anatomy


Part of the hip and thigh section of the body, the gluteus medius includes a wide area on the lateral surface of the ilium.  It is located at the great trochanter of the femur.  The function of the gluteus medius is to lift the thigh to the side. Moreover, its anterior and posterior sections rotate it medially and from side-to-side.

Groove Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone concave form, a groove is a linear, skinny depression. 


Infraspinatus Artist Anatomy


Infraspinatus is positioned below the spine on the surface of the scapula.  It is inserted on the posterior side of the head of the humerus.  It is responsible for moving the upper arm outwardly in a rotating motion.

Internal (anatomy) Artist Anatomy


The term internal is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body.  The term internal signifies the movement towards the middle of a hollow form (like the trunk). 

Lateral Artist Anatomy


The term lateral is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body.  The term lateral signifies moving away from the midline, either to the left or to the right.

Latissimus Dorsi Artist Anatomy


Part of the torso, the latissimus dorsi includes the posterior, upper medial border of the pelvis, and all of the vertebrae located from the sixth thoracic to the sacrum.  It is located on the anterior surface of the humerus; it is responsible for extending the shoulder. 

Levator Artist Anatomy


A levator is the term used to describe a muscle that lifts or holds up something. 

Medial Artist Anatomy


The term medial is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body.  The term medial signifies moving towards the midline. 

Midline / Axes Artist Anatomy


The midline is an axis of the body that separates the right and left sides of the body. Any item that follows perpendicular to the midline or longitudinal axis is regarded as being horizontal.  Items that move diagonally are called oblique.  And any items that move parallel to the midline are regarded as vertical.


Pectoralis Major Artist Anatomy


Part of the shoulder girdle, the pectoralis major is positioned at the medial half of the clavicle, the lateral surface of the sternum, and the top of the abdominal aponeurosis.  It is a ridge on the front of the humerus beneath the head.  It is responsible for moving the arm over and across the body and allowing the upper arm to rotate inwardly. 


Peroneus Longus Artist Anatomy


Part of the lower leg, the peroneus longus includes the lateral condyle of the tibia, the lateral surface of the fibula, and the front of the head of the fibula.    It is located at a tendon running down the posterior side of the ankle and under the foot to the first metatarsal.  It is responsible for pointing the foot, bringing the bottom of the foot from side-to-side.

Posterior Artist Anatomy


The term posterior is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body. Posterior refers to the back-side of the figure.

Process Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone convex form, a process is a finger-like shape that extends outwardly.

Pronate Artist Anatomy


To pronate as it relates to muscles means to turn downward in regard to the forearm.  A pronator is a muscle that pronates.

Protuberance Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone convex form, a protuberance is a bigger, rather round bump. 

Proximal Artist Anatomy


The term proximal is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body.  The term proximal relates to a section on a limb that is nearer to the trunk in distance. 

Ramus Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone convex form, a ramus is a extension of bone that is flat in shape.

Rectus Abdominis Artist Anatomy


Rectus Abdominis    Part of the torso, the rectus absominis is located at the inferior end of the sternum and cartilage of the ribcage.  It originates at the pubic arch of the pelvis.  It is responsible for allowing the body to tilt the ribcage forwards and backwards.  

Rectus Femoris Artist Anatomy


Part of the hip and thigh section of the body, the rectus femoris  includes the anterior inferior iliac spine of the pelvis.  It is located at the patellar tendon.  Its function is to straighten the leg at the knee, and bend it at the hip.

Rhomboids Artist Anatomy


Part of the shoulder girdle, the rhomboids include the seventh cervical vertebra and thoracic vertebrae.  It is located at the medial border of scapula.    The function of the rhomboids is to draw the scapula toward the spine, and rotates its inferior angle medially.

Sartorius Artist Anatomy


Part of the hip and thigh section of the body, the sartorius includes the anterior superior iliac spine of pelvis.    It is located at the upper medial surface of the tibia.    It is responsible for flexing the leg at both the hip and the knee, and rotating the leg from side-to-side.

Semimembranosus Artist Anatomy


Part of the hip and thigh section of the body, the semimembranosus includes the ischial tuberosity.    It is located at the medial condyle of the tibia.      The function of the semimembranosus is to pull the thigh backwards, bend the leg at the knee, and rotate the lower leg inward.

Semitendinosus Artist Anatomy


Part of the hip and thigh section of the body, the semitendinosus includes the ischial tuberosity.  It is located at the medial condyle of tibia.    The function of the semitendinosus is to pull the thigh backwards, rotate it inwards, and bend the leg at the knee.

Serratus Anterior Artist Anatomy


Part of the torso, the serratus anterior is located beneath the scapula to its medial edge.  It is responsible for moving the scapula from side-to-side.  The arm is able to raise above the shoulder by means of the serratus anterior rolling its inferior angle upward. 

Soleus Artist Anatomy


Part of the lower leg, the soleus includes the posterior surfaces of tibia and fibula.    It is located at the achilles tendon to the bone of the heel.    It works the same way as the gastrocnemius; it is responsible for straightening the joint of the ankle, pointing the left or right foot, or lifting a person onto the ball of his/her foot.

Spine Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone convex form, a spine is an elongated sharp ridge.

Sternocleidomastoid Artist Anatomy


Part of the next and throat, the sternocleidomastoid includes the sternum and the medial third of the clavicle.     It is located at the mastoid process on the skull.    The sternocleidomastoid is responsible for bending the head laterally to the same side, bringing the ear toward the shoulder.  It is also responsible for rotating the head – allowing the face to turn away. The head rolls toward the back from both of its sides working together. 

Superficial Artist Anatomy


The term superficial is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body.  The term superficial signifies moving toward the surface of a form that is solid (like a leg).

Supinate Artist Anatomy


To supinate as it relates to muscles is to turn upward in regards to the forearm.  A supinator is a muscle that supinates.

Tensor Artist Anatomy


A tensor is the term used to describe a muscle that grips or tightens around something. 

Tensor Fascia Lata Artist Anatomy


Part of the hip and thigh section of the body, the tensor fascia lata includes the anterior superior iliac spine.  It is located at the iliotibial band.  The function of the tensor fascia lata is to flex and abduct the thigh; it also allows the thigh to rotate.

Teres Major Artist Anatomy


The teres major is positioned at the lower angle of the scapula.  It is inserted below the head at the anterior surface of the humerus.  It is responsible for rotating the arm medially. 

Tibialis Anterior Artist Anatomy


Part of the lower leg, the tibialis anterior includes the upper lateral and anterior surface of tibia.  It is located at the bottom surface of the first metatarsal and the cuneiform bone of the foot.  The tibialis anterior is responsible for bending the joint of the ankle, turning the bottom of the foot inward, and bringing the top of the foot upward.

Trapezius Artist Anatomy


Part shoulder girdle, the trapezius extends from a short horizontal line on the base of the skull to all of the vertebrae down to the 10th thoracic.  It is located at the spine of the scapula, the medial side of the acromion process of the scapula, and the lateral third of the clavicle.  Its upper third raises the scapula.  With the scapula remaining motionless, it draws the head upright, backward, toward the shoulder, and rotates the face to the opposite side. Its middle third brings the scapula towards the spine. The lower third brings it downward. Both sides work together to extend the head.

Triceps Artist Anatomy


Part of the upper arm, the triceps include the medial and lateral heads that join to the posterior surface of the humerus. The long head joins to the lower border of the scapula, nearby to the arm socket.    All the heads connect to the triceps tendon that is positioned at the base of the ulna on its posterior side (the point is called the olecranon).    The triceps are responsible for extending the arm at elbow.

Trochlea Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone concave form, a trochlea is formed in a spool shape to take in a convexity at a joint and permit movement solely through one plane.

Tuberosity Artist Anatomy


A term describing a type of bone convex form, a tuberosity is a tall, extended bump.

Vastus Lateralis Artist Anatomy


Part of the hip and thigh section of the body, the vastus lateralis includes the front surface on the upper end of the femur. The belly twists around the lateral side of the femur and connects to a long line on the back.  The function of the vastus lateralis is to straighten the leg at the knee.

Vastus Medialis Artist Anatomy


Part of the hip and thigh section of the body, the vastus medialis includes the area of the front surface on the upper end of the femur. The belly twists around the medial side of the femur and connects to a long line on the back.  The function of the vastus medialis is to straighten the leg at the knee.

Ventral Artist Anatomy


The term ventral is a descriptive word regarding the locations of the body.  The term ventral is the same thing as anterior.