
Hellenistic period definition

The Hellenistic period was the last stage of Hellenic art (Alexandrian art) and is generally thought to have started with the end of Alexander the Great's reign.  Because of Alexander's triumphs, the Hellenic art created during this time (323 - 100BC) was made vastly beyond the edges of Greece.  And as a result, it contained cosmopolitan influences.  The ideas of perfect beauty and the harmony attached to it was replaced with an individuality and an energy often resulting in the melodramatic.  Artworks of people who were old and in pain, as well as young people full of life and vitality, were created.  Also, what newly emerged was that the varying and deep emotions experienced in people's mental states were captured visually.  The dignified poses usually applied to the gods were now applied to portraying influential rulers.  Figure compositions began to include landscapes, architectural designs and draperies.  Huge sculptures were created, as well as small statuettes of the ordinary that were both relatable and more closely resembled real life than the bigger pieces.